The National Poverty Reduction Programme
“Every Jamaican is consuming goods and services above the minimum acceptable national standards, and has equal and equitable opportunities and support to achieve and maintain income security and improved quality of life.”
(Vision: National Policy on Poverty and National Poverty Reduction Programme, 2017)
The National Poverty Reduction Programme (NPRP), which is being coordinated by the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ), provides a framework for the implementation of programmes seeking to address poverty and vulnerability, guided by the National Policy on Poverty (NPP). This coordinated approach represents a comprehensive and strategic landscape that guides the implementation, prioritization, and alignment of existing and emerging programmes being implemented by various Government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs) and partnering non-government entities. The NPRP is aligned with the overall strategic frameworks of Vision 2030 Jamaica – National Development Plan, the Jamaica Social Protection Strategy, and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
In keeping with the NPP, the NPRP seeks to achieve the following Goals:
- Eradication of extreme (food) poverty, and
- Significant reduction in the prevalence of absolute poverty
The NPRP addresses poverty at three levels: Household/Individual, Community and National. The NPRP is being implemented through three-year Medium-term Programme cycles under the following five Programme Areas:
- Addressing Extreme Poverty and Basic Needs
- Economic Empowerment and Human Capital Development
- Psychosocial, Cultural and Normative Advancement
- Basic Community Infrastructure
- Institutional Strengthening
These Programme Areas undergird related strategies to address the determinants of poverty in Jamaica. They provide the parameters that define the scope of interventions to be administered to target groups that are directly impacted by poverty. These areas of focus are linked to thematic areas and related strategies of the National Policy on Poverty, which guides the selection of programmes for each medium-term. The scope of the NPRP has been determined based on data and information, government priorities and policy focus, regional and international best practice, consultation with a wide range of stakeholders, and lessons learned.
Click on the Resources tab to download the National Policy on Poverty and National Poverty Reduction Programme document and other NPRP documents, to view progress reports, and other relevant data. You may also Contact Us for additional information.