Partner with Us

In support of an integrative approach to effective and efficient service delivery and resource mobilization, the importance of building and strengthening partnerships under the National Poverty Reduction Programme is underscored.  Click on each partner below to see more information on how you can lend support to the National Poverty Reduction Programme. You may also contact us for further details. 


Partnership for Poverty Reduction

Individuals, Households & Communities


  • Participate in (as beneficiaries) programmes and interventions at the national and community levels
  • Provide information and support to strengthen programme effectiveness, reach, and sustainability of outcomes.
  • Acknowledge and demonstrate personal and collective responsibility.



  • Consultatively define legislative/policy/programme priorities and institutional framework, as well as results-based monitoring and evaluation.
  • Provide and align resources for basic socio-economic services.
    Strengthen the technical capacity of MDAs and other relevant partners that serve the poor.
  • Implement programmes and provide services.
  • Build, encourage, and maintain partnerships.

NGOs, CBOs, FBOs, PVOs, Civil Society


  • Support and enhance service provision efforts of the GOJ.
  • Establish partnership model to support key gaps identified in the policy and programme.
  • Mobilize communities for participation and provide leadership in identifying and articulating community needs.
  • Capacity building for project management, financial sustainability and service provision particularly for at risk groups.

Private Sector


  • Develop, demonstrate, and maintain corporate social responsibility.
  • Establish public/private partnership model to support key gaps identified in the poverty policy and programme.
  • Programme support and incentives in crucial areas such as production and wealth- generation skills, technology, training, job creation, social entrepreneurship, research and development, marketing and other technical assistance.

Development Partners


  • International co-operation and technical assistance for the defined
  • National Policy on Poverty and National Poverty Programme.
  • Use current mechanisms for IDP coordination, ensure information sharing between GOJ and IDPs, and alignment of IDP and national priorities in order to reduce overlaps, duplication/fragmentation and realize more effective focusing of resources.
  • Strengthen support to programmes through increased diaspora engagement in pertinent areas.
  • Contribute to analytical work on important issues using latest data to enhance the effectiveness and relevance of the National Poverty Reduction Programme.

Academia/ Research Institutions/Think-Tanks


  • Contribute to the interdisciplinary coordination mechanism for the design and execution of the National Poverty Reduction Programme, including a psychosocial component.
  • Contribute to analytical work on important issues using latest data to enhance the effectiveness and relevance of the National Poverty Reduction Programme