Institutional Structure

Institutional Framework for the National Poverty Reduction Programme

The Poverty Reduction Coordinating Unit (PRCU)

The Poverty Reduction Coordinating Unit (PRCU) in the Planning Institute of Jamaica is the focal point to guide and monitor the development and implementation of the National Policy on Poverty and National Poverty Reduction Programme (NPP/NPRP). This includes: the participatory preparation and implementation of the three-year Medium-Term Poverty Reduction Programmes; development, implementation and review of the M&E Framework; facilitating partnership building and collaboration among NPRP partners; and undertaking technical, managerial and coordination functions for the National Poverty Reduction Programme Committee (NPRPC), which is the primary mechanism for monitoring programme implementation and collaboration among participating entities.

The PRCU provides information on implementation progress of the NPRP, which may be used to inform government decisions including the allocation of GOJ’s resources towards cost-effectiveness and sustainable outcomes. Additionally, the Unit provides technical advice to ensure coherence between social, economic and sustainable development policy directions and the National Poverty Policy and Programme. The PRCU facilitates synergy and integration needed to assist development partners in identifying key poverty reduction support areas aligned with the GOJ’s priorities. Structured and objective approaches are provided to assess and disseminate information on poverty reduction interventions. The Unit facilitates the monitoring and evaluation of the overall reach of services and initiatives and provide quarterly and annual reports on the status of the NPRP to the relevant committees including NPRPC and the National Social Protection Committee (NSPC), as well as the Cabinet. The PRCU also facilitates and highlights pertinent data, research and best practice approaches to inform poverty reduction efforts. 

The National Poverty Reduction Programme Committee (NPRPC)

The National Poverty Reduction Programme Committee (NPRPC) is established as the main body for monitoring the implementation of the National Poverty Reduction Programme (NPRP), in keeping with the National Policy on Poverty, 2017. The multi-sectoral committee is comprised of relevant organizations implementing and supporting the NPRP. The composition is guided by the slate of programmes to be implemented and monitored under each three-year Medium-term Poverty Reduction Programme, and as such, will be revisited with each cycle. The NPRPC consists of programme heads (directors/managers) of Government Ministries Departments and Agencies implementing programmes under the medium-term framework, as well as select programme partners from private sector organizations and non-government organizations (NGOs, CBOs and FBOs).

The functions of the NPRPC include:

  • Ensuring the timely implementation of the poverty programme work plans in keeping with the Medium-term Poverty Reduction Programme (including Action Plan and M&E Framework).
  • Monitoring implementation progress of the Poverty Reduction Programme.
  • Ensuring programme coherence in keeping with the National Policy on Poverty, Social Protection Strategy and other areas of public policy.
  • Identifying areas for collaboration, dialogue and partnerships towards streamlining programme implementation.
  • Facilitating and promoting data and information sharing among key stakeholders.
  • Monitoring the provision of data and information towards the M&E Framework for the National Poverty Reduction Programme.
  • Providing oversight to the execution of mid-term and final evaluation of the medium-term poverty programmes.
  • Identifying policy-level issues to be brought to the attention of the NSPC, and make recommendations, as may be appropriate.

National Social Protection Committee (NSPC)

The National Social Protection Committee (NSPC) has oversight for the social protection landscape in Jamaica, which includes poverty reduction efforts. Guided by the Jamaica Social Protection Strategy 2014, the NSPC will receive reports and provide policy-level direction to the overall poverty reduction programming through its institutional framework and linkages. The NPRPC will therefore be accountable to, the NSPC, and by extension the reporting system of Vision 2030 Jamaica.

Parish-Level Structures

The parish-level structures of the NSPC are intended to integrate the process of social protection delivery through a multi-stakeholder grouping, facilitating collaboration on social protection issues at that level. The implementation of the NPRP will draw on these existing structures as part of its monitoring framework, to enable collaboration at the programme implementation level, to review programme performance and project implementation and to evaluate the process of service delivery to maximize outcomes.